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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Life Changing Career For Financial Freedom and NetWork Marketing in 2008

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addthis_url = location.href; addthis_title = document.title; addthis_pub = 'jcetech'; Life Changing Career For Financial Freedom and NetWork Marketing in 2008by Kent

The Key Factors for Success and Wealth: find the "Favorable Market Trends," a Rock Solid Company with exclusive products and technologies to Leverage for Time and Income and most important Timing,Timing,Timing.

TRENDS: The Ageless Beauty Industry Today! One third of the world's popultation was born within an 18-year period after World War II in 1946, they are called the "Baby Boomers." Since that time they have set many market trends as they grew and matured, people and companies that followed these trends created great financial awards. In 2008 many have become Social Security age and are creating a new market trend with more than 76 million people in the U.S. and 9.8 in Canada ready to buy their way to Ageless Beauty, Health, Wellness in whatever manner they find successful for them, creating a! market that is growing at the rate of $250 Million in new cash spending per day. By 2010 spending in this marketplace will exceed $1 Trillion dollars! Realize $1 Trillion dollars equals 1/12 of the entire US economy! This is the Largest Single Market
Expansion in THe History of Man!

TIMING: In any business opportunity, timing is everything, and without a doubt, this is the right time to find Financial Freedom and a Life Changing Career in the Beauty Market Trend. Boomers control 50% of consumer spending and "these boomers are about to add an additional $1 Trillion dollars to our ecomony as they seek to preserve what they hold dearest: "Their Youth!" The Baby Boomer...Trend-seekers, definitely do not want to grow old and for the First TIme in History, the entire Baby Boomers are impacting a single market at the same time, The Ageless Anti-aging Market! Skin care has become the most talked about category in the Beauty Industry. Now is the time for a Anti-aging Be! auty Health Home Business?

PRODUCTS: A company with exc! lusive p roducts and technologies, essential daily products that support skin health and longevity to cutting-edge treatments that mitigate the signs of aging with the resources to look, feel, and be your best, contributing to your Life Changing Career!

COMPANY: Research for a company with the most successful ground-breaking products in the skin-care and wellness trend market with signifcant marketing, a track record with longivity. Do your research from a business perspective when considering a solid company to build something one-time and get paid residuals from there on,growing fast, with exclusive technologies, in momentum, proven track records, high business rating, media attention due to innovations,awards, ,their integrity, ethics, and the Good-Will they spread World Wide.These are the requirements to choose for your success in Your Financial Freedom Life changing Career.

LEVERAGE: Timing and Income for you, with a generous commission base and bonuses for its rep! resentatives and consumable products. As an Independent Representative getting recognition and awards for your commitment and time in helping people with their Life Changing Careers to find Financial Freedom in the Angi-Aging Beauty Health Home Business and to Face the World With Confidence and Pride.

Congratulations! You have completed your due diligence to find a "Favorable Market Trend" chose your "Rock Solid Company" with exclusive products and technologies now you are ready to start Your Life Changing Career and to create an unstoppable Network Marketing Success? Let's now move on to facts you must realize and overcome before embarking on your journey.

First, we have to overcome F.E.A.R., anxiety, family challenges, lack of confidence, uncertainty and the lack of belief,all others you can think of, know you are worthy of success, and have a purpose, These are only a few of the challenges to be overcome for the most successful people in the industry have ! all struggled with one of these at one point in their career.
S econd: Make the Decision! " If You are going to Play The Game, Play TO WIN! Have Belief, Desire & Fear, fear can drive you, use fear not fear using you. Develop your work ethics and be persistent, be determined to attract the best and be the best. You found the right market, a dcompany, now you must find the RIght Mental Attitude: for successful marketing and network marketing is 95% "mental." It is a "mental game," learn about the power of the mind, how it can contribute to your success failure, for your thoughts can be crippling and sometimes we are our own worst enemy, by allowing negative thoughts to run in the background of our mind. We are programmed everyday for failure! Learn to control your thinking, practice the art of mental discipline, learn to control your focus by taking your mind "off automatic" take control of your "self-talk." Ask, "What can I do differently in my life to obtain Financial Freedom? IF this is your desire......

Do you have.....

B! ELIEF: This is a must IF you are going to be successful in your network marketing venture, belief in you, your product. Focus on your accomplishments, make a commitment to yourself, you are in this to do! Not to try. T o Do. Failure is not an option. It Never Is. Period! attention to what I am about to say: "This is the single biggest mistake marketers and network marketers make: You do not HAVE TO HAVE a personal experience with your product in order to believe in it. Why? Because it is NOT ABOUT YOU! It is what can you do for me.

DESIRE: Desire is a Must for anything we chose to do in life, it is even more important then Belief! Belief can be developed, but desire, it is either there or it is not. have no serious desire to change Your life and lifestyle you will never apply yourself, it is about YOU! Sometimes, someone has to fan the flame, but when it is not present in the first place you are wasting your time...move on, until you do h! ave the desire to change your life to have Financial Freedom!
F EAR: We sometimes "psych" ourselves out and undercut our own success making us our own worst enemy. Recognize "F.E.A.R" for what it is, "False Evidence Appearing Real." Then focus on the challenge, evaluate your options and take action, even with your fear, for fear will help you over come. Fear can keep us from making a decision, by not making a decision, you ARE making a decision, a decision to stay stuck exactly where you are, right now! Remember your Purpose.

WORK ETHICS & PERSISTENCE: To get to the point, IF you want to create serious success, you must have developed a strong work ethic. Those who make it to the top do not get there by accident. It takes hard work and lots of it. Do IT! Have an intense desire to change and know that if you do not choose this dedication to building your business, Nothing WIll Change!

Persistence & Work Ethics go hand in hand. Yes, you are going to struggle, everyone does in this industry at some point. The 5% that make it b! ig in the network marketing business have persistence! It is about not giving up when almost everyone else would. Remember: when you quit, you are quitting on Yourself. Do Not Give Up!

" The Future of THe Networking Industry in an Online World will Explode in 2008"

Understand that in network marketing, or any business for that matter, you are selling yourself.

In actuality, people are much more concerned with YOU, than they are about YOUR business opportuhity. I do not care if you have the greatest business in the world. If you do not successfully position yourself as a leader in the eyes of your prospects, you will go nowhere. With this in mind, understand that you are constantly being judged....sized up, measured, and compared to other potential partners. People want to work with Winners! They are attracted to Leaders! It is a survival instinct, use it to your advantage.

It is ALL about professionalism. How can you possibly expect people to f! ollow you to Financial Freedom if your are not Professional. B! e imspir ed,educate yourself, challenge yourself and be very clear about your purpose in networking. The concepts are simple, yet, we completely miss them, you must know, the entire point of this industry is to service others first; to give without expecting anything in return: and to provide valuable information that will help others succeed.

There are "No Secrets" in this industry there are just things that you do not know yet. The biggest factor that will determine IF you are successful in your business is whether or not you create a mindset that encourages and empowers you to take the daily actions and disciplines required for success. That is it, Your Mindset Must Change to Succeed in finding Financial Freedom and a Life Changing Career; for without your mindset changing you will not get your Anti-aging Beauty Health
Home Business off the ground.

Attracting & Sponoring Your Core Team:

Your success in network marketing comes down to who you attract to be ! part of Your Team who will duplicate to their team what they have learned from you....keep it simple. Individuals are looking for the same things you were looking for when you made your decision, they are looking for someone who can help them get to where they want to go. Are you that person? People are looking for their Plan B, for their Plan A is not giving them what they desire. They are in jobs, as you were they hate, or were downsized, laid off, tired of the rat race in Corporate USA, chose wrong careers, whatever reason, and they may be just one pay check from bankruptcy. You are changing their journey to Financial Freedom as you have changed yours.

When and if you have a great opportunity, do you have belief, your attitude must reflect that belief and must relate to them how you can help them achieve their desires. Even when you are new, there are always people to help you, call on them, you know you have a great opportunity that could change their lifestyles ! as it did yours, tell them. Your attitude MUSTreflect your com! mitment; it MUST reflect confidence of who you are and how you an help them. This is the mistake many network marketers"fall down" on, they do not believe in themselves enough to portray their belief to others.

Remember....It Is Not About You! You may be having some negatives in your life, disbelief for one reason or another, but someone else could come abroad, take it seriously, apply themselves and go on to out-earn you a hundred times over, but you succeded in the network marketing business, you gave someone an opporutnity they would not have heard about IF not for you. They may light the fire under you, your attitude and your confidence may come alive again, they may help you over the difficult times as you helped them. Remember....just because you have not made it yet (or are new) does not mean you do not have a great company and a great opportunity to share with others. Let your Attitude reflect your desire to help others help themselves. Watch how your team grows and h! ow you grow when helping others.

At this point you have dove into the process of finding the "Favorable Market Trends", a Rock Solid Company, with exclusive products and techniques and you made the decision to experience Financial Freedom, develop a Life Changing Career. Allow me to congratulate you for your courage and conviction to change your life and begin living the lifestyle you deserve and always desired, plus getting paid what you are worth! When looking for that Rock Solid Company you found the best was a network marketing company, you saw the potential and the opportunity and you made your choice.

Now that You have made the choice to cross over into the network marketing arena in a noticeable way know You have jumped into this wonderful world of network marketing at a fantastic time and in your research found these companies are the best for your success, Now, it is going to take your total commitment to succeed and achieve. Are you willing to change! your life, we can show you how, are you worth my time? Rememb! er, just as in life, there is always a gap between the have and have-not's, as always it appears the rich get richer and the poor get poorer while coming up with more excuses why they have not, it doesnot have to be this way. It remains simply the "Survival of the Fittest." Be the Fittest! Marketing has changed and the bar has been raised, the gap has widened to a critical point. In 2008 we must learn to market ourselves, we can no longer
sit back and do the same old things, this is a realization you must recognize, and a source of great frustration to many. The Old Guard of the Industry will continue to use the old methods they are comfortable with, do not be one of them. As the world of business and online world becomes increasingly foreign by the year, we must keep up with the changes, this is the risk we must be aware. Change!

Marketing ourselves is important and marketing ourselves in the "online world" is just as important. We must acquire this knowledge and experti! se to capitalize on new opportunities to reap great rewards, while those who sit back and take a passive approach, typically they will pay more to fight over the scraps you leave behind. Sad, but true, for they are not willing to change! 90% of the people in any industry do not have the drive or desire to become an expert marketer off-line or on-line and and most do not want to have anyting to do with learning, leadership, or hard work or to change.

Network marketers are going to need to take on the responsibility of providing their teams with "turn-key marketing and lead generation campaigns" to help newbie's bridge the gap. This is not a new concept, but it is more important than ever. The companies and leaders that provide and market this business-in-a-box model will see incredible growth and duplication. This is one of the benefits we have, the "turn-key marketing" i is in place and will lead you to your success.

Know you are do I do this, wh! ere and how can I learn? We will teach you, for despite all of! the new changes coming in 2008, you really just need to do two things;
1: Master one traffic generating skill, and out-source the rest, it is all in place.
2: Learn how to communicate effectively with your propects. Picking Up The Phone.... will become more important than ever....

When all of this marketing stuff is said and done, it will be your ability to connect and communicate with your prospects that will ultimately determine your success. If you want to build a down-line, you have got to get on the phone and connect with people. Remember, they are ultimately joining YOU because they feel that you can help them achieve their goals.

If you have mastered all of the past on-line techniques great, but the Level of Sophistication needed to stay ahead of the competition is continuing to rise as more networkers embrace the on-line world and marketing themselves, competition will continue to rise, and when marketers go to battle, the details determine the winners. ! Will you stay on top, pay more attention to the details?

For the First Time in History, Out-Sourcing will become common place among Marketers, and Savvy Network Marketers out of Sheer necessity. Much of your success in marketing comes down to who we attract into our business. People are Searching, they are looking for someone who can help them get where they want to go. Are you that person? Most people walk around with no
"plan b" they are working away in jobs and careers they hate or are not particularly thrilled with. Remember It Is Not About You! Do you have the committment and drive to help these people to help themselves and yourself? Breat rewards are yours.

Do not choose to live a life of compromise. I encourage you not to just dream, but to take action now. Take control of Your Financial Freedom in the future, find your Life Changing Career in the Ageless Anti-aging Beauty Health Home Business.

Blessings to You and Your Committment to Change! !

About the authorEarlene Kirkpatrick, ! Life Sty le Mentor and Successful Entrepreneur, is helping many become the next success story. Whether you're looking to create an extra few thousand dollars per month, be an ex-corporate executive, or the next millionaire Mom, Earlene can assist you to create a second stream of income and greater peace of mind. visit : Passion and Purpose

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