Online Home Based Business

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Re-Igniting the Spirit of Adventure

10 Success Strategies to Be More, Do More, Have More

Somewhere along our journey in this life, we have settled into a 'comfort zone' where we pretty much know what is going to happen day to day. The very idea of stretching ourselves may rock the boat too much. This is an expression of our fear, our lack of courage to experiment, experience and evaluate new life events that will expand who we think we are.

In order to Be More, Do More and Have More we need to Re-Ignite the Spirit of Adventure with bold, daring, venturesome steps that create exciting new experiences. Does taking a risk mean chance, misfortune, or danger?

What if adventure meant excitement and enjoyment?

Our Spirit of Adventure is buried beneath the busyness of our life. Our imagination and venturesome spirit are faint whispers wishing, desiring and unfulfilled. Rekindling our sense of adventure creates the sparkle of wonder in a child's eye.

Children experiment all the! time; how to get parents to hear you; what will happen if I jump here; try this; test that; experience and evaluate the results.

What stops us from playing with the idea of experiment, experience and evaluate?

Think of children having to learn to color inside the lines. This sort of conditioning permeates into so many avenues of our adult lives; from listening to what others tell us is right or wrong; to eventually losing our own sense of experimentation. Even when we do challenge ourselves to develop we are still often boxed in by our own sense of perfectionism and a perception of how things should be.

The bottom line is that if you refuse to stretch - you will continue to experience the same results. The choice is yours.

Do you feel your life will change?

Well, you are right. Your life will change. Rather than be fearful of change, empower it and enjoy the experience of courage as you explore your life adventure. See the world th! rough the wonder and awe of a child.

I received a pho! tograph of my 1 ½ year old grandson sitting on an old wooden wagon stacked with huge bright orange pumpkins. He was staring intently at an apple he had just taken his first bite from. I was overwhelmed by the sense of adventure and experience and evaluation he must have been feeling. There wasn't anything else that mattered at that moment except "Hmm, I like Apples!!!

I could only wonder at the magic of it all as he held this incredible exquisite experience in his hands. Children remind us that we have the unlimited opportunities to experiment, experience and evaluate new things in our lives with that same sense of wonder and joy.

Do you think he thought about risks when he was taking his first bite? Heck no - it was all about curiosity.

How curious are you?

I recently read "Spirit Moves" by Loree Boyd Hemachandra about six generations of Native American Women. The subtext of spirit and mystery is a reminder that we are truly all one. What those wome! n experienced is a reflection of how other women from many different cultures and belief systems have traveled and transcended limitations imposed upon them.

Doesn't this sound true of the women in your past?

Celebrate the energy and power these women expressed dealing with the every day trials of their times. The Spirit of Adventure lies in subtle moment to moment discoveries as they called upon their intuition, their wisdom and imagination to grow and develop into strong, powerful adventuresome women.

What will you do to stretch yourself and become the legend you want your children to remember you by!

With the curious eye of the child and the spiritual strength of a woman, you have the power to create a life full of adventure.

Many women I know personally embody this sprit of adventure and have left the corporate world. They are building a life by design. They are building financial freedom. There are many resources for success stra! tegies in operating a business from home, but one underlying p! robing q uestion still begs for an answer.

Will you stretch yourself and take the steps towards experimentation and experience?

I often think of Julia Cameron's quote "Leap and the Net Will Appear!" Having an innate belief in my right to prosperity and adventure, I took many steps forward. Not all looked like success but each adventure that I had the courage to follow added a richness of experience to the next one.
Once I chose to follow my path, the world exploded with new concepts and directions. Even though at times it felt overwhelming and uncomfortable, I took a deep breath and with an intensely curious attitude about what was out there, I took the step.

The result: "Yikes! Never thought I could do that!"

I've learned internet marketing
I've written an e-book titled "Full Spectrum Woman."
I have recorded an 8CD Series called "The Power of the Integrated Self"
I am and so on and so on.
The list is endless.

And so is yours!
The end results have been incredible! All these experiments have brought me back into the state of "AWE" that I experienced as a child when the world was full of wonder and promise.

Live with the freedom of adventure in your life.

Do you dare!

Can you remember the last time you experienced that sense of AWE?

Did it in some way alter your belief system about possibilities?

Here are TEN (10) success strategies you can take to Re-Ignite your Spirit of Adventure; to stretch your belief, your experience, your life today?

1. Time Out For You
2. Set Your Intentions
3. Read more
4. Breathe/Know and Love Yourself
5. Stretch a Belief
6. Know It Is So!
7. Bite Size Pieces
8. Smile
9. Embrace the essence of "AWE" and "WONDER"
10. Skill sets -you already have those - now Mastermind

The only thing standing in the way of experiencing pure potentiality and unlimited possibilities is YOURSELF!
The Spirit of Adventure touches a deep place inside of us ! strainin g for freedom of expression; daring us to heed the calling in our heart and mind; to free ourselves and risk taking that big step in realizing "Yes, I can!"

Experiment: There is no right or wrong answer. Trust and be willing to step out
Experience: From courage and willingness to courage and JOY
Evaluate: Wow! What did I learn about myself?

The spirit of adventure comes so easily when I think of what brings me JOY!

About the authorLynn MacMartin, Life Style Mentor and Successful Entrepreneur, is helping many become the next success story. Whether you're looking to create an extra few thousand dollars per month, be an ex-corporate executive, or the next millionaire Mom, Lynn can assist you to create a second stream of income and greater peace of mind. visit : Success Strategies Lynn MacMartin, Life Style Mentor and Successful Entrepreneur, is helpin! g many become the next success story. Whether you're looking to create an extra few thousand dollars per month, be an ex-corporate executive, or the next millionaire Mom, Lynn can assist you to create a second stream of income and greater peace of mind. visit : Success Strategies
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